Body work for Baby


Resources > Body work for Baby



June 28, 2018


katu baby

Did you know infants and children can have misalignment and tension the same way we do? Did you know there are techniques out there specifically designed to help release this tension in baby? You’re probably wondering ‘What does that look like?’ Check out an interview on KATU Afternoon Live were I demonstrate this exact type of treatment on this adorable newborn.

This work is so powerful and at the same time extremly safe for baby. Some of the common issues I see include latch or feeding difficulties, head turn preference, flat spots, digestive and bowel movement issues and so much more. If you want to know more feel free to contact me here or schedule a New Patient Appointment at the office, for those of you who may be interested in a lower cost setting I currently have a drop in Clinic at Milagros Boutique in NE Portland which you can find more information about here.

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Take care and live a life of wellness.

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