Trusted Resources


Trusted Referrals

I know there is a myriad of providers, groups and classes out there and it can feel overwhelming at times. This list is here to provide you with referrals for people I have personally met with and would go to for treatment for myself or my family. I want to not only give you quality…
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Have You Heard What Chiropractic Care Includes???

Do you want to know more about Prenatal and Pediatric Chiropractic care?! Check out this podcast interview with One-Click Lindsey ...

Wheat Belly Pizza Crust

Wheat Belly Pizza Crust Prep time 35 minutes Serves: 6-8 slices Ingredients 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 2 cups almond meal ...

Proposed New Postpartum Care Guidelines

Body work for Baby

Did you know infants and children can have misalignment and tension the same way we do? Did you know there ...

Your greatest wealth is your health


I want to offer you more than just treatment

Check back here anytime for resources such as handouts, trusted referrals, recipes, articles and blogs on all sorts of topics.


Take care and live a life of wellness.

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